Sunday, January 19, 2020

Chemistry Diploma Paper Essay

1. Attempt any ten of the following : a) Why is an atom electrically neutral ? b) Differentiate between isotopes and isobars. c) Define conductor and nonconductor. d) State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis. e) Define cell. Give its classification. f) Explain the terms mineral and ore. g) Define alloys with suitable example. h) What is nickel silver ? Write its composition. i) Give composition of glass-wool. j) Name the types of plastics with examples of each. k) Define COD of sewage. l) Define Air-pollution. Give its magnitude. 2. Attempt any four of the following : 16 a) Give the comparison of electron, proton and neutron their symbol, change, mass and location within an atom. b) Give four points of distinction between orbit and orbital. c) Write orbital electronic configuration of the following elements 24 39 20 N14 , Mg 12 , K 19 , Ne10 7 d) Describe the formation of NaCl molecule with diagram and name the type of bonding. e) Explain electrovalency and covalency with example. f) State and explain Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. P.T.O. 12002 *12002* MARKS 3. Attempt any four of the following : 16 a) Draw diagram and explain the construction working of lead-acid storage cell. b) A given quantity of electricity is passed through two cells containing copper sulphate and silver nitrate respectively. If 0.99 gms of silver and 0.29 gms of copper are deposited, find equivalent weight of silver when that of copper is 31.6. c) Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of fused sodium-chloride by using carbon electrodes. d) Why copper is electro-refined ? Describe the process of electro-refining of copper. e) Explain construction working and application of dry-cell. f) Define metallurgy. Outline the general principle of metallurgy. 4. Attempt any four of the following : 16 a) Define the terms : flux, slag, malleability and toughness. b) Write composition, properties and applications of Alnico and Woods metal. c) Explain with diagram the gravity separation used for concentration of iron-ore. d) Differentiate – calcination and roasting. e) Write any four purposes of making alloys. f) Explain the fusion method for manufacture of alloys. 5. Attempt any four of the following : 16 a) State four properties of plastics and write the uses based on each of given properties. b) What is thermocole ? Give its properties and applications. c) What is rubber ? What is the difference between natural and synthetic rubber ? d) What is green-house-effect ? State the measure to control it. e) Explain the causes of water pollution. f) What is bio-medical-waste ? Give two techniques for its disposal. 6. Attempt any four of the following : a) Write properties and application of glass-wool. b) Explain any four major sources causing air-pollution. c) Write any four methods to control water pollution. d) What is preventive environmental management ? Give one example. e) Distinguish between air-pollution due to vehicle and industries. f) Write short note on effect of E-waste. ————— 16

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